A red orchid open wide to reveal a phallic looking erect yellow stamen representing 'Love Question No 266', Carl Lewis runs 100 meters in 9.86 seconds - how quickly can you get a condom on?; one of a series of safe sex AIDS prevention advertisements by Folkhälsoinstitutet, RFSU and RFSL. Colour lithograph by Garbergs, ca. 1995.


Licence: In copyright

Credit: A red orchid open wide to reveal a phallic looking erect yellow stamen representing 'Love Question No 266', Carl Lewis runs 100 meters in 9.86 seconds - how quickly can you get a condom on?; one of a series of safe sex AIDS prevention advertisements by Folkhälsoinstitutet, RFSU and RFSL. Colour lithograph by Garbergs, ca. 1995. Source: Wellcome Collection.