85 results filtered with: Veterinary medical ephemera : pre-1850. Box 1.
- Ephemera
Felony. : whereas on Saturday night last, or early on Sunday morning, some evil disposed person or persons stole out from a pen-house, at the Old Park, in the parish of Stockton; five capital French geese, 14 ducks, and 26 fowls.
Date: 1819- Ephemera
Per non omettere diligenza affine di evitare la propagazione del Male Bovino...
Date: 1786- Ephemera
Lately published : the natural history of bees.
Date: [1751]- Ephemera
Cupiss's constitution balls, for horses / Francis Cupiss Ltd.
Date: [1841]- Ephemera
Per avere in vista il quantitativo delle spese, che si sono fatte, e si vanno eseguendo per l'ordinato Cordone...
Date: 1786- Ephemera
The complete veterinary medicine chest / T.R Bryant.
Date: [between 1860 and 1890?]- Ephemera
The most excellent Cordial Horse-balls at 4s. per pound, : which in twenty years experience have been found a specifick remedy for any sickness incident to horses...
Date: [1720]- Ephemera
Dogs. : the public attention is called to the following most efficacious animal medicines, discovered and prepared by Mr. Blaine... / Barclay and Sons ; Messrs. Blaine and Youatt ; T. Boosey.
Date: 1817- Ephemera
Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly : hatching and rearing all kinds of domestic poultry, as swans, geese, turkies, ducks, chickens, and guinea fowls...
Date: 1823- Ephemera
Poetical essays : the spider and bee.
Date: [1778]- Ephemera
Oltre i suggerimenti, istruzioni, e provedimenti fin' ora partecipati alle SS. VV. essendo piacciuto alla S. Consulta di far venire....
Date: 1786- Ephemera
R. Bennett, : donkey mews.
Date: [between 1850 and 1859]- Ephemera
Diodydd enwog Dobson at y clwyf du : clwyf du ar wartheg a defaid / G. Dobson.
Date: [1886?]- Ephemera
Dorchester course. : on Friday the 27th of September, 1805, will be run for, a sweepstakes of fifty guineas...
Date: 1805- Ephemera
Clarke's buffalo meat biscuits for dogs : used in the royal kennels.
Date: [1890-1899]- Ephemera
Castor oil for cattle. : linseed oil for cattle.
Date: [1840-1849]- Ephemera
Arabian Mills : manufacturers of horse and cattle condiments, &c. / Lowe & Co.
Date: [1870-1879]- Ephemera
Prese in esame le provisioni consultivamente assegnate da codesta Congregazione di Sanità ai Soggetti impiegati nella cessata...
Date: 1787- Ephemera
Lettera circolare : a tutti li governatori, e giusdicenti dello stato ecclesiastico ancorchè baronali.
Date: 1786- Ephemera
Order form / The Veterinary News.
Date: [between 1900 and 1920?]- Ephemera
This day was published ... : a treatise on the management of bees.
Date: [1769]- Ephemera
Avutosi riscontro, che la morte seguita di molti animali bovini provenienti dalla Dalmazia...
Date: [1786?]- Ephemera
Machine for feeding poultry of all descriptions. / Cottam & Hallen.
Date: [1850-1859]- Ephemera
Bees and bee-keeping / Rev. W. Stewart Walford.
Date: [between 1850 and 1890?]- Ephemera
Ad oggetto che l'Epidemia del Bestiame Bovino non faccia ulteriori progressi nell'occasione...
Date: 1786