- Article
- Article
Left behind by workplace wellbeing
Having experienced bouts of serious mental illness, Caroline Butterwick discovers that the new world of workplace wellbeing schemes fails to mitigate discrimination against people like her.

- In pictures
- In pictures
Cola’s complicated roots
How one of the most famous soda drinks in the world got its name from a traditional West African delicacy.
- Photo story
- Photo story
Nothing without kola
Yaw Afrim Gyebi travels through Ghana to meet the people who grow and use kola nut for its many practical and symbolic purposes.

- Photo story
- Photo story
Kola nuts, close up
Yaw Afrim Gyebi explores the physical characteristics of the kola nut and its medicinal properties, which evolve throughout its life cycle.

- Book extract
- Book extract
Finding the clitoris among the flowers
In this abridged extract from Helen King’s book ‘Immaculate Forms’, she unfurls the floral imagery historical writers used to refer to the clitoris.

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- Article
No more dumplings
Jaydee Seaforth charts her journey from eating her favourite, flavourful Caribbean foods to the restrictive blandness of an IBS-friendly diet.

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The personal cost of mental illness
Laura Grace Simpkins is tired of hearing how much her mental ill health costs the country. What about how much it costs her?

- Photo story
- Photo story
Living with ME
Nine people with ME reveal their unremitting struggles as they negotiate life with their illness, including their battles to be believed, diagnosed and supported.

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- Article
The stuck tampon
Dorothée King was on holiday when she experienced the awkward, uncomfortable and panicky situation all tampon users dread.

- Photo story
- Photo story
‘Yes I am’ – voices of autistic women from minoritised communities
Rosie Barnes showcases the powerful voices of autistic women from minoritised communities as they talk about the specific and complex challenges they face.

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- Article
A creative collaboration with compulsion
Discover how artist Liz Atkin has channelled the compulsion to pick her skin into an imaginative outlet for her feelings.

- Comic
- Comic
My backstory
A more vulnerable exposé on my dermatillomania.

- Comic
- Comic
Mom's solution
Mother may well know best in this case.

- Comic
- Comic
Walk it off
When skin picking really is a disorder and interferes with life.

- Comic
- Comic
The root of picking really is just skin deep.

- Comic
- Comic
Rod with a prod
You’ve got a friend in Rod.

- Comic
- Comic
The upsides of dermatillomania
Everything needs a silver lining.

- Comic
- Comic
Save the world
It’s harder than you’d think.

- Short film
- Short film
Imagining a more inclusive world
An official diagnosis for ADHD has given artist Carrie Ravenscroft so much more than the medical support she lacked. For the first time, it’s allowed her to see a future for herself as valid member of a diverse community.

- Short film
- Short film
The power of art
For Carrie Ravenscroft, both the techniques and content of her art are expressions of the workings of her neurodivergent mind.

- Short film
- Short film
Gender gap
In this artwork, Carrie Ravenscroft considers how her personal struggles with having ADHD relate to the wider challenges of being neurodivergent and female.

- Short film
- Short film
Loss and grieving
In this artwork Carrie Ravenscroft delves into the complex feelings of grief and loss that were triggered by the death of her aunt during the Covid pandemic.

- Short film
- Short film
Chaos within boundaries
How making a series of paintings helped Carrie Ravenscroft process and map her journey towards a neurodivergent identity.

- Comic
- Comic
No solution
We all need to relieve stress.

- Book extract
- Book extract
Autism and the ache of loneliness
Explore the thoughts of an autistic loneliness researcher in this quietly expressive extract from Daniel Tammet’s book ‘Nine Minds: Inner Lives on the Spectrum’.