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29 results filtered with: Infertility
  • The Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth (?) Engraving by S. Mulinari, 1778.
  • The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Watercolour painting.
  • Manoah and his wife pray to an angel which emerges from the flame of their altar. Line engraving by L. Desplaces after C. Le Brun.
  • The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Engraving by J. Sadeler after M. de Vos.
  • An elderly couple are advised to try artificial insemination. Process print after J.-A. Faivre, 1902.
  • Elizabeth kneels before Mary. Engraving by F. Keller after F. Overbeck.
  • A young couple visit a savant who consults ancient volumes in order to provide counselling to them. Oil painting by Edouard-Henri-Théophile Pingret, 1833 (?).
  • The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Steel engraving.
  • The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Etching with aquatint by S. Mulinari after V. Salimbini.
  • The byrth of mankynde, newly translated out of Laten into Englysshe. : In the which is entreated of all suche thynges the which chaunce to women in theyr labor, and all suche infyrmitees whiche happen vnto the infantes after they be delyuered. And also at the latter ende o in the thyrde or last boke is entreated of the conception of mankynde, and howe manye wayes it may be letted or furtheryd, with diuers other fruytefull thynges, as doth appere in the table before the booke.
  • The angel Gabriel tells Zacharias that his prayer for a child is to be granted; John the Baptist will be his son. Engraving by E. Kirkall after M. Scheits.
  • A couple dream of having a baby: infertility problems in Senegal. Colour lithograph, ca. 2000.
  • The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Etching by C. Maratta.
  • The birth of John the Baptist. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after L. Carracci.
  • The aged Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary, meets Joachim by the Golden Gate at Jerusalem. Engraving by H. Wierix.
  • An elderly couple are advised to try artificial insemination. Process print after J.-A. Faivre, 1902.
  • The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Engraving by B. Eredi after F. Barocci.
  • The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Engraving.
  • A young couple visit a savant who consults ancient volumes in order to provide counselling to them. Oil painting by Edouard-Henri-Théophile Pingret, 1833 (?).
  • The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Engraving, 1588, after F. Baroccio.
  • The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Engraving by C. Cort, 1602.
  • The birth of the Virgin Mary, a 'virga' (shoot) from the genealogical tree of Jesse. Engraving by D. Cunego, 1778, after D. Zampieri, il Domenichino.
  • A skull with eyes formed of the male and female symbols, representing sterility attributed to sexually transmitted diseases. Colour lithograph, 196- (?).
  • The Virgin Mary and Elizabeth palpate each other's pregnant bellies on a hill. Engraving by C. Lasinio after Metalli after A. Dürer.
  • A young couple visit a savant who consults ancient volumes in order to provide counselling to them. Oil painting by Edouard-Henri-Théophile Pingret, 1833 (?).
  • The visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Engraving by Filloeul after P. Mignard.
  • The childless Sarah presents Hagar, her handmaid, to her husband Abraham. Line engraving by J.G. Wille after C.W.E. Dietricy.
  • A young couple visit a savant who consults ancient volumes in order to provide counselling to them. Oil painting by Edouard-Henri-Théophile Pingret, 1833 (?).
  • A young couple visit a savant who consults ancient volumes in order to provide counselling to them. Oil painting by Edouard-Henri-Théophile Pingret, 1833 (?).