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78 results filtered with: Drugstores
  • A man who has swallowed petroleum asks a pharmacist for a remedy; the pharmacist shows hims several bottles and lets him chose the one he prefers, with fatal results. Line block.
  • Ekins pharmacy, Melbourne, Victoria: the shop seen from the street, with the pharmacist and his family standing outside. Photograph by E.C. Waddington, ca. 1883/1884.
  • Interior of a pharmacy, with four figures. Oil painting by Jos. van Brée, 1860.
  • The pharmacy of J. Cassel, founded in 1683 at 4 Rue de la Barre, Dieppe: detail of the timpanum above the entrance. Photograph.
  • Interior of a pharmacy, with four figures. Oil painting by Jos. van Brée, 1860.
  • A child serving behind the counter of a chemists and offering advice to a female customer. Wood engraving.
  • The pharmacy of C. Hersbrunnen (?), Lucerne, Switzerland: a reconstruction of the 18th century shop showing pharmacy equipment and decorations: side view. Photograph, ca. 1920.
  • A new apothecary's shop open for business, with parody advertisements for different potions; representing the remedies required for different professions and social types. Coloured etching after G.M. Woodward, 1802.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: reconstruction of a seventeenth-century Turkish drug shop. Photograph.
  • A medical practitioner taking a lady's pulse in a pharmacy. Oil painting by Emili Casals i Camps, ca. 1882.
  • A woman falling headfirst through an open cellar-door outside a pharmacy, and a man expressing his concern. Coloured etching by I. Cruikshank after G.M. Woodward, 1798.
  • An Irish man is having a prescription made up in a pharmacy shop, he complains to the pharmacist about the small quantity of medicine he is being given. Wood engraving by C. Keane, 1874.
  • An unscrupulous chemist selling a child arsenic and laudanum. Wood engraving after J. Leech.
  • A seventeenth-century German apothecary's shop with ornate pharmacy jars, large metal mortars and a stuffed turtle hanging from the ceiling; recreated for the German National Museum in Nuremberg. Photograph by Christof Müller.
  • Two men in a car outside the Wellcome pharmaceutical depot in the Middle East. Photograph.
  • Thomas Brugis: his portrait, with vignettes of the work and equipment of the surgeon and apothecary. Line engraving by T. Cross.
  • An apothecary's shop, Switzerland: reconstruction of a late 17th century shop, showing pharmacy equipment and decorations. Photograph, ca. 1920.
  • An apothecary's shop: interior. Watercolour by Lucy Pierce.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: reconstruction of a Hispano-Moresque pharmacy. Photograph.
  • A new apothecary's shop open for business, with parody advertisements for different potions; representing the remedies required for different professions and social types. Coloured etching after G.M. Woodward, 1802.
  • The pharmacy of C. Hersbrunnen (?), Lucerne, Switzerland: a reconstruction of the 18th century shop showing pharmacy equipment and decorations: front view. Photograph, ca. 1920.
  • A black man buying some of J. Morison's pills, hoping they will make him white. Coloured lithograph.
  • Two Chinese men stand by a shop window while opium smokers sit on the terrace above. Pencil drawing with sepia wash by W. J. Bellairs, 19th century.
  • A boy complaining to a pharmacist about medicine dispensed for his father: his mother had misunderstood the dosage instructions. Pen and wash drawing by F. Gillett.
  • The doorway into a chemist's shop in Shanghai: there is a sign outside written in both English and Chinese. Photograph.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: exterior of a reconstruction of a seventeenth-century English apothecary's shop. Photograph.
  • Three affluent doctors congratulating themselves on their profession. Coloured mezzotint, 1793, after Robert Dighton.
  • Two people come into a pharmacy to ask for advice, the apothecary sits resting his gouty leg. Etching by N. Loder after himself.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: exterior of a reconstruction of J. Bell's pharmacy in the ground floor galleries. Photograph, c. 1928.
  • Two men in a car outside the Wellcome pharmaceutical depot in the Middle East. Photograph.