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2,557 results filtered with: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Première enquête nationale sur la bisexualité : visibilité, représentations, préjugés.. : les premiers résultats / Bi'Cause, le Mouvement d'Affirmation des Jeunes LGBT, SOS Homophobie, ACT Up-Paris.
  • Practical support & care for those living with HIV and AIDS / Cleveland AIDS Support, giving practical support to those living with HIV infections.
  • AIDS : how drug users can avoid it / SCODA.
  • AIDS and sex : what everyone should know / issued by the Scottish Health Education Group.
  • Infirmier(ère)s, médecins, dentistes, pharmacien(ne)s... vous avez des questions sure le VIH, les hépatiites et les IST : des professsionels de santé vous répondent / VIH Info Soignants, une ligne de Sida Info Service.
  • Your rights in the AIDS era. 11, Acting as executor / Immunity.
  • HIV&AIDS : what do we say to young people? : an information guide for parents and carers / Manchester City Council.
  • Body Positive : living positively with HIV : a guide to our services / Body Positive.
  • HIV & AIDS, the issues : an education pack for hospital doctors : this teaching resource uses case histories covering several disciplines to highlight issues raised by HIV and AIDS in clinical practice / prepared by the Department of Health and the Central Office of Information.
  • Common sicknesses of people with HIV and AIDS / Khomanani.
  • Choices : a game about H.I.V. & AIDS / produced by Lothian Regional Council Community Education Service.
  • AIDS Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Persons With AIDS Coalition.
  • AIDS : the facts / AVERT.
  • InTouch Hereford & Worcester Ltd : 14 Pierpoint Street, Worcester WR1 1TA : HIV & AIDS Support Organisation.
  • Infirmier(ère)s, médecins, dentistes, pharmacien(ne)s... vous avez des questions sure le VIH, les hépatiites et les IST : des professsionels de santé vous répondent / VIH Info Soignants, une ligne de Sida Info Service.
  • Tell your friends about this condom/pill pack : to get one, they just neeed to ask their GP or family planning doctor / Lothian Health.
  • Services at the Positive Place : Summer 1994 : a centre for the support and care of people affected by HIV and AIDS / The Positive Place.
  • SIDA : en parler, ça aide ... / Sida Info Service.
  • Cuts or no cuts... : ...we'll still be providing services ... making informed choices, the Trust's position regarding Zidovudine (AZT) / The Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Body Positive : self help for people affected by HIV and AIDS.
  • Sida Info Service : 0 800 840 800 : : tatouage temporaire.
  • Think, understand, act / Black HIV Forum, part of the HIV Network ; designed by Kulwant Dhaliwal at Depot Studios, Coventry.
  • A brief guide to the Terrence Higgins Trust library / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • One of the principal routes of transmission of HIV is from a woman with HIV to her baby during pregnancy, birth or breast feeding : 3% of all women attending antenatal clinics in Mumbai (Bombay) are testing HIV positive / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • HIV&AIDS : what do we say to our children? : an information guide for parents and carers / Islington Council HIV Unit, Bloomsbury & Islington, Lewisham Education, Manchester City Council HIV AIDS Unit.
  • Undetectable viral load / NAM.
  • The HIV Network : prevention and care in Coventry & Warwickshire.
  • Seven ways to look after your health / NAM.
  • World AIDS Day 1st December 1995 : thank you for registering for the World AIDS Day 1995 resource pack ... / Keith Winestein.
  • Tower Hamlets HIV/AIDS services / Dorothy Mukasa, HIV/AIDS Development Officer, Tower Hamlets Social Services Strategy Group.