Volume 1

The works.

  • Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682.
    them all, in these busy days, would have been a labour of some years, which it is not possible to devote to the purpose. It has been thought best to leave these passages therefore, in the main, as they stand.^ The portrait of Sir Thomas Browne here prefixed is reproduced from the engraving published in 1672 with the edition of the Religio Medici and Pseudodoxia Epidemica. C. S. August, 1903. ^ The quotation, now corrected, from Montaigne, on p. xxii, is a typical example of the pitfall into which one is liable to stumble. The passage there cited is in chapter xl. of the French author's later arrangement: a clear indication of the edition of the Essais used by the author of the Annotations. What is one to make of the readings in Lucretius on p. xxv? No light is thrown upon these difficulties by the edition of Browne's works published in 1686. Wilkin did not reprint the Anno- tations, except in selection.
    CONTENTS Prefatory Note by the Editor, . . . » v Annotations upon ' Religio Medici/ . . , ix A Letter sent upon the information of Animad- versions, ....... 1 To the Reader, ....... S RELIGIO MEDICI, 7 PSEUDODOXIA EPIDEMICA, . . . .113 To the Reader, ....... 115 The First Book : 1. Of the Causes of Common Errors, . . 121 2. A further Ilhistration of the same, . . 127 3. Of the second cause of Popular Errors; the erroneous disposition of the People, . 132 4. Of the nearer and more Immediate Causes of Popular Errors, ..... 140 5. Of Credulity and Supinity, . . .147 6. Of Adherence unto Antiquity, . . .152 7. Of Authority, l6l 8. A brief enumeration of Authors, . . l68 TU
    PAOE 9, Of the Same, 178 10. Of the last and common Promoter of false Opinions, the endeavours of Satan, . .182 11. A further Illustration, .... 193 The Second Book : 1. Of Crystal, 202 2. Concerning the Loadstone, . . .216 3. Concerning the Loadstone, . . . 233 4. Of Bodies Electrical, . . . .254, 5. Compendiously of sundry other common Tenents, concerning Mineral and Ter- reous Bodies, . . . . . 262 6. Of sundry Tenets concerning Vegetables or Plants, 285 7. Of some Insects, and the Properties of several Plants, 299 The Third Book, Chapters I.-X. : 1. Of the Elephant, 308 2. Of the Horse, 314, 3. Of the Dove, 317 4. Of the Bever, 321 5. Of the Badger, 326 6. Of the Bear, 328 7. Of the Basilisk, 331 8. Of the Wolf, 338 9. Of the Deer, 340 10. Of the King-fisher, 348
    RELIGIO MEDICI Nec satis est vulgnsse fidem. Fet. Arbit. fragment. > a
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