Contents: Minutes - Essays (A brief paper on the pathological influences of alcohol, and the nature of inebriation / by N.S. Davis - The philosophy of intemperance / by Joseph Parrish - Disabilities of inebriates : a communication from the inmates of the Pennsylvania Sanitarium - Experiences at the Washingtonian Home, Boston, Massachusetts / by William C. Lawrence - Restraint as a remedy in the treatment of inebriety / by D.G. Dodge - The relation of the church to inebriates / by J. Willett - Inebriate asylums, as they relate to questions of social and political economy / by Albert Day - The moral and social treatment of inebriates / by P.J. Wardner - Statistics of inebriety / by Willard Parker) - Chapter on laws regulating the admission of inebriates to asylums - Announcements