French miscellany
- La Rochefoucaud, Paul Auguste Gaston de, comte de Jarnac, 1675-1714
- Date:
- 1711-1851
- Reference:
- MS.9245
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Miscellaneous letters and papers in French.
1. Quittance for rental income signed by Paul Auguste Gaston de la Rochefoucaud (1675-1714), comte de Jarnac. Paris, 14 January 1711.
2. Letter from Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orléans (1725-1785) to an unidentified correspondent, in favour of a client, M. de St Elix. Paris, 28 January 1757.
3. Letter from Catherine de La Rochefoucauld de Cousage, abbess of Montmartre, to an unidentified correspondent, on the illness of a mutual acquaintance. N.p., 2 December 1760.
4. Order from Antoine Claire Thibaudeau (1765-1854) to citizen Le Blanc, 'membre de la Commission Temp[oraire] des Arts', to proceed with the inventory and valuation of Lavoisier's laboratory with all speed. Paris, 17 brumaire an III [7 November 1794].
5. Notice by the 'Comités d'Instruction Publique et des Finances' giving the new salary rates for the director, employees and students of the medical schools established by the decree of 14 frimaire. [Paris], 3 vendémiaire an IV [25 September 1795]. Signed by several members of the 'Comité de l'Instruction Publique', including François Xavier Lanthenas (1754-1799), Antoine François Fourcroy (1755-1809), Jean-François Barailon (1743-1816), Alexandre Deleyre (1726-1797), Michel-Pascal Creuzé-Dufresne (1736-1804), Antoine-Hubert Wandelaincourt (1731-1819), Luc-François Lalande (1732-1805), Jean-Baptiste Chamborre (1761-1837), Louis-Sébastien Mercier (1740-1814), Philippe Drulhe (1754-1816), and Jacques François Charles Monnot (1743-1825).
6. Letter from Hubert Cambarères to 'Citoyen Directeur' on a financial matter. Montpellier, 29 ventôse an VII [19 March 1799].
7. Invitation from 'L'administration municipale du canton intérieur de Riom' to the 'citoyen commissaire du directoire exécutif prés le tribunal criminel' to take part in a commemorative ceremony for the late General Barthélemy Catherine Joubert (1769-1799). Riom, 9 vendémiaire an VIII [1 October 1799].
8. Letter from Dieudonné Dubois (1759-1804), 'préfet du département de la Gironde', to citizen Perregaux, a banker in Paris, on a debt owed to the emigré, Paty-Bellegarde. Bordeaux, 24 germinal an IX [13 April 1801].
9. Letter from Nicolas-Louis François de Neufchâteau (1750-1828) to [Henri] Agasse (1752-1813), publisher, covering his historical account [not present] of diplomatic relations between France and England. Paris, 3 nivôse an XII [24 December 1803].
10. Letter from Dominique Vivant Denon (1747-1825), 'directeur général du Musée Napoléon', to M. Perrégaux, [banker], requesting coins bearing likenesses of the emperors of Austria and Russia. Paris, 30 April 1806.
11. Account of Louis Dutens (1730-1812), French expatriot author, for publication and distribution of the third edition of Mémoires d'un voyageur qui se repose ; contenant des anecdotes historiques, politiques et littéraires, relatives à plusieurs des principaux personnages du siècle, drawn up by Messrs Dulau et Co., Dutens's bookseller. London, 10 June 1807.
12. Letter from Michel-Louis-Étienne Regnaud de Saint-Jean d'Angély (1761-1819) to [Jean-Pierre-Louis de Fontanes,1757-1821], 'grand maitre de l'université', on a meeting appointment. Paris, 12 June 180[8 or 9].
13. Memorandum by the French vice-consul in Alexandria, on religious affairs in Egypt. Alexandria, 12 January 1811.
14. Letter from Joseph Jérôme Siméon (1749-1842) to Jean-Baptiste Collin de Sussy (1750-1826) congratulating him on his appointment as minister of commerce and recommending a client. Cassel [dép. Nord], 28 January 1812.
15. Deed of appointment of a certain Gericke as postmaster at Magdeburg, in the kingdom of Westphalia. Kassel, 11 August 1813. Signed by Alliey, 'inspecteur général des postes'.
16. Letter from the comtesse de la Rochefoucauld to Antoine-Marie Chamans, comte de Lavalette (1769-1830), French Director-General of Posts, in favour of a protégé. 25 March 1814.
17. Letter from Pierre Claude Pajol (1772-1844) to a M. Molard on steam navigation, mentioning Fulton. Paris, 10 June 1816.
18. Letter from Louis François Sosthènes, vicomte de La Rochefoucauld (1785-1864), to Charles Bretagne Marie, Duc de La Trémoille (1764-1839), on the duke's protégé M. Lefeuvre. N.p., 6 June 1827.
19. Letter from Charles Tristan, marquis de Montholon (1783-1853) to a M. Souplet in Paris, on two former English servants. N.p., 25 ?March 1828.
20. Letter from Jean Baptiste, baron de La Rochefoucauld-Bayers (1757-1834) to a French government official, 'M. le Chevalier de Cauchi', requesting a replacement passport. Paris, 2 June 1829.
21. Letter from Félix Barthe (1795-1863), French Minister of Justice, to Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754-1838), Prince de Talleyrand, French ambassador in London, introducing a lawyer, M. Mermilliod, who is visting London. Paris, 3 September 1831.
22. Letter from Louis Jean Monmerqué du Rochais (1780-1860) to René-Charles Guilbert de Pixerécourt (1773-1844) on bibliographic matters. Paris, 3 December 1832.
23. Letter from Horace Vernet (1789-1863) to a French government official, M. Porte, requesting a passport for St Petersburg for a painter, M. Alexis, who will be accompanying him there. Paris 9 June 1836.
24. Letter from Charles Louis Napoléon Achille Murat (1801-1847) to Charles Garnier in New Orleans, on financial matters. Baton Rouge, [Louisiana], 25 September 1836.
25. Letter from Louis Gabriel Ambroise, Vicomte de Bonald (1754-1840) to Pierre Michel François Marie Toussaint Hersart de La Villemarqué (1775-1843) on family matters and politics. N.p. [postmarked 'Milhau' ie Millau], 9 March [1838]. With a 20th-century English translation.
26. Bulletin of the Paris prefecture of police for 12 March 1838, reporting various operational matters of the past two days and giving statistics of hotel occupancy, arrests, food prices etc. Signed by Gabriel Abraham Marguerite Delessert (1786-1858), prefect of police. A later pencil note at the top of the document reads 'Picked up in Drawing Room of Tuilleries during the Revolution Feb 1848.'
27. Letter from Émile Thomas (1822-1880) to Joseph Tagliafico (1821-1900), containing a poem, 'La vision de Belshazzar'. Paris, n.m. 184?
28. Letter from Louisa Geoffroy (d.1864) to M. de Courtois, French attaché in Florence, on personal matters. N.p., n.d. [postmarked Paris 29 July 1851].
29. Admission ticket to the 'Ateliers Nationaux - Femmes', for M. Léon Lamotte. N.d.
30. Envelope addressed to Monsieur Warnaw, Paris. N.d.
Physical description
- La Rochefoucaud, Paul Auguste Gaston de, comte de Jarnac, 1675-1714
- Orléans, Louis Philippe, duc d', 1725-1785
- Thibaudeau, Antoine-Claire, comte, 1765-1854
- Lanthenas, François, 1754-1799
- Fourcroy, Antoine-François de, comte, 1755-1809
- Barailon, Jean-François, 1743-1816
- Deleyre, Alexandre, 1726-1797
- Creuzé-Dufresne, Michel-Pascal, 1736-1804
- Wandelaincourt, Antoine Hubert, 1731-1819
- Lalande, Luc-François, 1732-1805
- Chamborre, Jean-Baptiste, 1761-1837
- Mercier, Louis-Sébastien, 1740-1814
- Drulhe, Philippe, 1754-1816
- Monnot, Jacques François Charles, 1743-1825
- Dubois, Dieudonné, 1759-1804
- Neufchâteau, Nicolas Louis François de, comte, 1750-1828
- Denon, Dominique Vivant, baron, 1747-1825
- Dutens, Louis, 1730-1812
- Saint-Jean-d'Angély, Michel-Louis-Etienne Regnaud de, comte, 1762-1819
- Siméon, Joseph-Jérôme, comte, 1749-1842
- Pajol, Pierre Claude, 1772-1844
- La Rochefoucauld, Louis François Sosthènes, vicomte de, 1757-1834
- Montholon, Charles-Tristan, comte de, 1783-1853
- Barthe, Félix, 1795-1863
- Monmerqué, Louis-Jean-Nicolas, 1780-1860
- Vernet, Horace, 1789-1863
- Murat, Charles Louis Napoléon Achille, 1801-1847
- Bonald, Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise, vicomte de, 1754-1840
- Delessert, Gabriel Abraham Marguerite, 1786-1858
- Thomas, Émile, 1822-1880
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