a letter from J Huxley to J B S Haldane listing foreign candidates for election to the Royal Society, and asks if he can lend any support to the claims of Harland, Wells, Needham, and Darlington;
letter from Haldane to Huxley with his views on the foreign candidates mentioned by Huxley, and the chances of Harland being elected straight away;
letters from Huxley to Haldane, both dated 25 January 1941, stating that he firmly supports Haldane's campaign to get H G Wells elected to the Royal Society, and asking if there are any Fellows he should lobby;
letter from Huxley to Haldane enclosing a letter from R T Leiper on the subject of Wells' candidature for election, in which Leiper points out that Wells cannot be proposed by a Council member, and that evidence will be needed of original scientific work by Wells earlier in his career and election would not be based purely on his achievements in popularising science;
letter from Haldane to Huxley stating that Wells would not be put up as a 'general' candidate, but would be nominated under rule 17, as a politican might be;
letter from Huxley to Haldane stating that he still did not know whether Council members could propose a candidate like Wells, and asks if someone more senior than himself should act as Proposer.