Fasciculus temporum / [Werner Rolevinck].

  • Rolevinck, Werner, 1425-1502.
24 November, 1480
  • Books

About this work


Venetijs : Impressa Erhardi Ratdolt, 24 November, 1480.

Physical description

76 unnumbered leaves (first blank) : woodcuts: initials, illustrations, diagrams ; (folio)


No signatures: [A⁸; a-h⁸, i⁴]
Imprint from colophon
Incipit ([A*2] recto): Tabula breuis [et] vtilis super libello / quoda[m] qui dicit[ur] fasciculus temporum
Colophon ([i*4] recto): Explicit chronica qui dicit[ur] Fasciculus tempo[rum]: edita [per] quenda[m] carthusie[n]sem. Nunc secu[n]do / emendata cum quibusdam additionib*9: vs[que] ad hec nostra tempora. Venetijs impressa: cura / impensis[que] Erhardi ratdolt. de Augusta. Anno d[omi]ni. M.CCCC.LXXX. xxiiij. men[sis] nouem / bris. Xisto. iiij.̊ pontifice maximo. [et] Ioanne mocenico: Duce. lxvj ̊hui*9 alme vrbis Venet[iarum?]. / Laus Deo
Gothic type (BMC 76G; Redgrave 4) here in its earliest form (before recasting), in use only in 1480; 3 cols. in table; 1 col. in introduction; 1-4 cols. in text, interspersed with rules, diagrams, and small woodcuts (many repeats)
Foliated initials à fond noire; "G" on [a*1] recto employed only in Ratdolt's editions of Fasciculus temporum
"The body of the text in this edition corresponds page for page with that in Walch's edition of the preceding year ..., but Ratdolt supplies many woodcuts for which spaces are left by Walch, while the account of the death of Charles the Bold [1477] is laudatory of Charles and is followed by eight pages of new matter" (BMC, V, 283-4)
This edition ends with an account of the siege of the city of Rhodes by the Turks in 1480
This is one of the earliest books Ratdolt printed alone and the first of his five editions of Rolevink

References note

BM Inc v.283
Poynter 503
St R253
Stillwell R253
Proctor 4379
Hain 6926
Goff R261
Redgrave 17 (facsim. Pl. 4)
Essling 277
Sander 6526
Schreiber 5111a
Polain (B) 3371
Geldner, Die deutschen Inkunabeldrucker II, 79 (facsim.)
Ongania, L'art de l'imprimerie a Venise 72 (facsims.)



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