Advertisements for pharmaceutical products, sent through the post to physicians in France, Italy, Spain and Belgium. Prints, 1940s-1960s.

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Laws passed in several European countries forbade pharmaceutical companies to send unsolicited samples of medicines to doctors. Samples could be sent only in response to written requests. The companies reacted by devising a form of advertising called (in French) placards, examples of which form the present collection. Placards were postcards sent to doctors, containing an advertisement for a medicine and a tear-off section (often stamped) preprinted with a request for a sample in the doctor’s name. Sometimes the stamp would be stuck on the tear-off section only by one corner, forcing the doctors to send it back by making them feel guilty if they re-used the stamp for some other purpose. Companies vied to produce the most colourful and eye-catching designs

Physical description

188 prints : process prints, printed in colours


List of companies, products, countries, dates and indications available


Products include: Acamnina ; Adol (anti-neuralgic) ; Aerofagil ; Albucid (for urinary infections). signed "R. Blonde". ; Aluctyl. Signed "P. Fix-Masseau" ; Aminopenil ; Amphotablettes Ronchèse (for angina and bacterial infections) ; Antan. Rinazina. Diafovil. Lambral. ; Anusol. Insert refers to an "arrêté du 29 juin 1947" which forbids sending medical samples except in response to a doctor's written request. ; Arhemapectine Antihémorrhagique ; Arsénique and Vériane ; Atosulfase ; Auxina ; Azym (digestion), Fixase (minerals) ; Balsamorhinol and Inhalantyl ; Balsaquintine ; Banulcus ; Betajodina ; Bicitrol (lemon juice). Signed "[E?]d Zouchet". ; Bioartril ; Biogestan (tonic for pregnant women) ; Bivitin (vitamin B1) ; Boldolive (olive oil) ; Bufox Hémostatique ; Calcium Français J.B. Signed "Jep & Carré" ; Cal-mag-na ; Campho-pneumine (for pulmonary infections) ; Canfo-Corina (with or without ephedrine) ; Carbotrigon ; Cardiomone, extract of embryo heart ; Cetovister ; Chibro-Mercurobrome ; Chinofene ; Cidan Masiva ; Citrogastrine. Signed "R. Letellier" ; Citrosil (for diarrhoea) ; Coralgil Fillina ; Créosal Dubois ; Cryptargol (silver antiseptic) ; Decontractyl (phenobarbitol), Atorhinal (for colds), Hepacholine (for liver) ; designed in 1946 and sent in 1948. Theophylline suppositories. Signed "Vely" ; designed in 1947 and sent in 1948. Theophylline suppositories. Signed "F. Joseph" ; Dicuprene ; Dragées Bengué ; Dysarène ; Ektogan.. Company changed name from Peroxydes Médicinaux to Dernis. ; Energétènes Végetaux "Byla" ; Enterosalicyl ; Epaticina (liver extract and insulin) and Vitocitina (vitamins) ; Ephédrocure (ingredients amended) ; Ephétonine ; Éranol (iodine) ; Esculéol ("Alcoolature de marron d'Inde") ; Eudigestio ; Euphon, Perubore, Stillargol, Rhino-Borostyrol ; Euphoryl Infantile. Signed "Buvard" ; Euritmal ; Fegavitan ( for anaemia) ; Féminadène and Vivadène, gland extracts for women and men respectively ; Fenox (decongestant) ; Fides (yoghurt) ; Flebosanil (for veins) ; Gastrhéma (for anaemia, asthenia, etc.) ; Gentiphan ; Gono-Vaclydun ; Gouttes Nican. Signed "Allner" ; Gravurol (solvent of uric acid) ; Gynéco-Vaclydun ; Gynoplix ; Hémoluol (for circulation) ; Hepatior ; Hordenol. Signed "J. Bernadac" ; Hydroplasme. Signed "Damixni" ; Idrazil (for tuberculosis) ; Indhaméline ; Iodamelis (iodine) ; Iodex ; Iodocitrane (for hypertension, gout etc.) ; Iodone Robin ; Jarabe "Yer" ; Jordania (borax) ; Juglane (for diabetes); Adol (nervous) ; Juraisin (red grape juice, equivalent to blood serum!) ; Kaneuron (barbiturate) ; Kaolinase (Carbonésie) ; Kaolinase and Carbonésie. Signed "René Martin" ; Lactacyd ; Lambarène (tonic) ; Latépryrine ; Le Grog Médical Cophabel ; Le Pressyl ; Lepsinal ; Mercryl ; Métacuprol (antiseptic) ; Metarsile 2 Vit (minerals) ; Mictasol (urinary). Signed "Barberousse" ; Mitosyl (fish oil paste for healing wounds) ; Muthanol (hydroxide of bismuth) ; Naclopa (sedative) ; Natibaïne ; Néobiol ; Neotheonitrol (vasodilator) ; Nervantyl (sedative, soporific) ; Nesal ; Nesal (for insomnia) ; Nesal (for epilepsy) ; Neurogastrine ; Neurotensyl ; Neutroses-Vichy (antacid) ; Nordèn ; Nuctolax (laxative) ; Octensanol (for hypertension) ; Origanyl ; Ouabaïne ; Ouabaïne Arnaud ; Oxyléine ; Pancholine ; Pancrotanon Hausmann ; Panosan ; Pastiglie Mugòlio and Chino-Mugolio ; Pénicisolvant (solvent for penicillin) ; Peptalmine (and Pancrepar, for liver) ; Peptozimina and Metrasedolo ; Peptozimina and Sedagin (hormones, sedative) ; "Comment on s'enrhume en 12 images de Peynet" (only two present) ; Physedal (panacea) ; Pirisal ; Pneumogéïne ("Theobromine" crossed through, "Théophylline" substituted) ; Pneumogéïne (ingredients include "Théobromine") ; Pneumogéïne (ingredients include "Théophylline") ; Pommade Penicilline. Signed "Kalischer" ; Provitinal ; Quintussyl (quinine for coughs) ; Radio Salil (radioactive analgesic) ; Rectolmin Supositorios ; Résyl ; Rhinaquintine ; Rhinaquintine and Balsamol ; Romarène ; Sarcolactine (antiseptic) ; Scillitrine (squill for hypertension etc.). Text in French and Dutch. ; Sed-hormone. Signed "Desort" ; Digibaïne ; Serenol. Shaped edges. ; Sérodausse. Signed "Henré Baille" ; Solucamphre Strychniné ; Somio (hypnotic) ; Somnifène (soporific) ; Somnothyril ; Spasmalgine ; Spasmine (sedative) ; Spasmine (sedative), Spasmidenal (barbiturate "pour les grands anxieux") ; Spasmophedrine ; Spasmosédine ; Supervit (vitamins) ; Supponeryl ; Surrasthénine. Signed "G. Gonnot" ; Sympathoriane ; Tamid (digestion). Viscodiurina (panacea). Coronin (heart and lung) ; Tartroborol (sedative, anti-epileptic etc.) ; Tensol (vasodilator) ; Tetranium ; Trephonyl (foetal extract for anaemia etc.) ; Trinitrine ; Trinitrine. Lists agents in Francophone world. ; Ultracalfix (tonic). Ginoflux (gynaecological), Régulabil (digestion) ; Vagostabyl ; Véganine ; Verachol (for gall bladder in pregnancy) ; Vériane ; Vince (antiseptic?) ; Vitargyl (decongestant)


Wellcome Collection 11667i

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    Closed stores

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