Products include: Acamnina ; Adol (anti-neuralgic) ; Aerofagil ; Albucid (for urinary infections). signed "R. Blonde". ; Aluctyl. Signed "P. Fix-Masseau" ; Aminopenil ; Amphotablettes Ronchèse (for angina and bacterial infections) ; Antan. Rinazina. Diafovil. Lambral. ; Anusol. Insert refers to an "arrêté du 29 juin 1947" which forbids sending medical samples except in response to a doctor's written request. ; Arhemapectine Antihémorrhagique ; Arsénique and Vériane ; Atosulfase ; Auxina ; Azym (digestion), Fixase (minerals) ; Balsamorhinol and Inhalantyl ; Balsaquintine ; Banulcus ; Betajodina ; Bicitrol (lemon juice). Signed "[E?]d Zouchet". ; Bioartril ; Biogestan (tonic for pregnant women) ; Bivitin (vitamin B1) ; Boldolive (olive oil) ; Bufox Hémostatique ; Calcium Français J.B. Signed "Jep & Carré" ; Cal-mag-na ; Campho-pneumine (for pulmonary infections) ; Canfo-Corina (with or without ephedrine) ; Carbotrigon ; Cardiomone, extract of embryo heart ; Cetovister ; Chibro-Mercurobrome ; Chinofene ; Cidan Masiva ; Citrogastrine. Signed "R. Letellier" ; Citrosil (for diarrhoea) ; Coralgil Fillina ; Créosal Dubois ; Cryptargol (silver antiseptic) ; Decontractyl (phenobarbitol), Atorhinal (for colds), Hepacholine (for liver) ; designed in 1946 and sent in 1948. Theophylline suppositories. Signed "Vely" ; designed in 1947 and sent in 1948. Theophylline suppositories. Signed "F. Joseph" ; Dicuprene ; Dragées Bengué ; Dysarène ; Ektogan.. Company changed name from Peroxydes Médicinaux to Dernis. ; Energétènes Végetaux "Byla" ; Enterosalicyl ; Epaticina (liver extract and insulin) and Vitocitina (vitamins) ; Ephédrocure (ingredients amended) ; Ephétonine ; Éranol (iodine) ; Esculéol ("Alcoolature de marron d'Inde") ; Eudigestio ; Euphon, Perubore, Stillargol, Rhino-Borostyrol ; Euphoryl Infantile. Signed "Buvard" ; Euritmal ; Fegavitan ( for anaemia) ; Féminadène and Vivadène, gland extracts for women and men respectively ; Fenox (decongestant) ; Fides (yoghurt) ; Flebosanil (for veins) ; Gastrhéma (for anaemia, asthenia, etc.) ; Gentiphan ; Gono-Vaclydun ; Gouttes Nican. Signed "Allner" ; Gravurol (solvent of uric acid) ; Gynéco-Vaclydun ; Gynoplix ; Hémoluol (for circulation) ; Hepatior ; Hordenol. Signed "J. Bernadac" ; Hydroplasme. Signed "Damixni" ; Idrazil (for tuberculosis) ; Indhaméline ; Iodamelis (iodine) ; Iodex ; Iodocitrane (for hypertension, gout etc.) ; Iodone Robin ; Jarabe "Yer" ; Jordania (borax) ; Juglane (for diabetes); Adol (nervous) ; Juraisin (red grape juice, equivalent to blood serum!) ; Kaneuron (barbiturate) ; Kaolinase (Carbonésie) ; Kaolinase and Carbonésie. Signed "René Martin" ; Lactacyd ; Lambarène (tonic) ; Latépryrine ; Le Grog Médical Cophabel ; Le Pressyl ; Lepsinal ; Mercryl ; Métacuprol (antiseptic) ; Metarsile 2 Vit (minerals) ; Mictasol (urinary). Signed "Barberousse" ; Mitosyl (fish oil paste for healing wounds) ; Muthanol (hydroxide of bismuth) ; Naclopa (sedative) ; Natibaïne ; Néobiol ; Neotheonitrol (vasodilator) ; Nervantyl (sedative, soporific) ; Nesal ; Nesal (for insomnia) ; Nesal (for epilepsy) ; Neurogastrine ; Neurotensyl ; Neutroses-Vichy (antacid) ; Nordèn ; Nuctolax (laxative) ; Octensanol (for hypertension) ; Origanyl ; Ouabaïne ; Ouabaïne Arnaud ; Oxyléine ; Pancholine ; Pancrotanon Hausmann ; Panosan ; Pastiglie Mugòlio and Chino-Mugolio ; Pénicisolvant (solvent for penicillin) ; Peptalmine (and Pancrepar, for liver) ; Peptozimina and Metrasedolo ; Peptozimina and Sedagin (hormones, sedative) ; "Comment on s'enrhume en 12 images de Peynet" (only two present) ; Physedal (panacea) ; Pirisal ; Pneumogéïne ("Theobromine" crossed through, "Théophylline" substituted) ; Pneumogéïne (ingredients include "Théobromine") ; Pneumogéïne (ingredients include "Théophylline") ; Pommade Penicilline. Signed "Kalischer" ; Provitinal ; Quintussyl (quinine for coughs) ; Radio Salil (radioactive analgesic) ; Rectolmin Supositorios ; Résyl ; Rhinaquintine ; Rhinaquintine and Balsamol ; Romarène ; Sarcolactine (antiseptic) ; Scillitrine (squill for hypertension etc.). Text in French and Dutch. ; Sed-hormone. Signed "Desort" ; Digibaïne ; Serenol. Shaped edges. ; Sérodausse. Signed "Henré Baille" ; Solucamphre Strychniné ; Somio (hypnotic) ; Somnifène (soporific) ; Somnothyril ; Spasmalgine ; Spasmine (sedative) ; Spasmine (sedative), Spasmidenal (barbiturate "pour les grands anxieux") ; Spasmophedrine ; Spasmosédine ; Supervit (vitamins) ; Supponeryl ; Surrasthénine. Signed "G. Gonnot" ; Sympathoriane ; Tamid (digestion). Viscodiurina (panacea). Coronin (heart and lung) ; Tartroborol (sedative, anti-epileptic etc.) ; Tensol (vasodilator) ; Tetranium ; Trephonyl (foetal extract for anaemia etc.) ; Trinitrine ; Trinitrine. Lists agents in Francophone world. ; Ultracalfix (tonic). Ginoflux (gynaecological), Régulabil (digestion) ; Vagostabyl ; Véganine ; Verachol (for gall bladder in pregnancy) ; Vériane ; Vince (antiseptic?) ; Vitargyl (decongestant)