Patents (International law)
- Books
Patent cooperation treaty (PCT), done at Washington on June 19, 1970, amended on September 28, 1979, and modified on February 3, 1984, and regulations under the PCT (as in force on January 1, 1994).
Date: 1994- Books
Industrial property protection of biotechnological inventions : analysis of certain basic issues / prepared by Joseph Straus.
Straus, Joseph.Date: 1985- Books
The significance of the novelty grace period for non-industrial research in the countries of the European Economic Community : an empirical study carried out on behalf of the Commission of the European Communities / by J. Straus.
Straus, Joseph.Date: [1986]- Books
Budapest treaty on the international recognition of the deposit of microorganisms for the purposes of patent procedure : done at Budapest on April 28, 1977 and Regulations (as of January 31, 1981).
Date: 1981- Books
European Patent Office : DG1 technical information activities / ed. by European Patent Office.
Date: 1982