Rösslin, Eucharius, -1526. Swangern Frawen und hebammen Rosegarten
By this person (13)
About this person (1)
- Books
Des diuers trauaulx et enfantemens des femmes, et par quel moyen lon doit suruenir aux accidens qui peuuent escheoir deuant et apres iceulx trauaulx. Item quel lait et quelle nourrisse on doit eslire aux enfans : ensemble aucuns remedes concernens plusieurs maladies suruenantes ausdits enfans nouueaux nez. Livret fort vtile et duysa[n]t ... / compose premierement en latin, par ... Euchaire Rodion, et depuis tourne en langue francoyse.
Rösslin, Eucharius, -1526Date: 1536- Books
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The birth of mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke : Newly set foorth, corrected, and augmented. Whose contentes ye may reade in the table of the booke, and most plainely in the prologue. By Thomas Raynalde phisition.
Raynalde, Thomas, active 1540-1551Date: [1585?]- Books
- Online
The birth of mankinde, otherwise named The womans booke. Set foorth in English by Thomas Raynalde phisition, and by him corrected, and augmented. Whose contents yée may reade in the table following: but most plainely in the prologue.
Raynalde, Thomas, active 1540-1551Date: [1604]- Books
- Online
The byrth of mankynd, otherwyse named the womans boke : Newly set forth, corrected and augmented, whose co[n]tentes ye may reade in thee table of the boke, and moste playnely in the prologue. By Thomas Raynald phisition.
Raynalde, Thomas, active 1540-1551Date: Anno. M.D.Lii [1552]- Books
- Online
The byrth of mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke : Newly set furth, corrected and augmented. Whose co[n]tentes ye maye rede in the table of the booke, and most playnly in the prologue. By Thomas Raynold phisition.
Raynalde, Thomas, active 1540-1551Date: Anno. M.D.xlv. [1545]