Ruscelli, Girolamo, -approximately 1565
By this person (43)
About this person (1)
- Books
Delle istorie del svo tempo di Mons. Paolo Giovio da Como, Vescovo di Nocera / tradotte da M. Lodouico Domenichi. Con vna selua di varia istoria di Carlo Passi, nella quale si ha piena notitia delle cose più rare, che sono state ricordate sommariamente da esso Monsignor Giouio. Et vn supplimento del Signor Girolamo Rvscelli. Fatto sopra le medesime istorie. Et vn'indice de'nomi antichi, & moderni, delle città, castella, prouincie, popoli, monti, mari, & fiumi, de'quali l'autore ha fatto mentione. Raccolti in vno abeneficio di coloro che si dilettano della cosmografia, & dell'historia. Con la tauola, & le postille in margine, che in esse istorie si contengono.
Giovio, Paolo, 1483-1552.Date: 1608- Books
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The thyrde and last parte of the Secretes of the reuerende Maister Alexis of Piemont, by him collected out of diuers excellent authors, with a necessary table in the ende, containying all the matters treated of in this present worke. Englished by Wylliam Warde.
Ruscelli, Girolamo, -approximately 1565Date: [1566]- Books
- Online
A verye excellent and profitable booke conteyning sixe hundred foure score and odde experienced medicines : appertayning vn to physicke and surgerie, long time practysed of the expert and reuerende Mayster Alexis, which he termeth the fourth and finall booke of his secretes ... Translated out of Italian into Englishe, by Richard Androse.
Ruscelli, Girolamo, -approximately 1565Date: 1578- Books
The second part of the Secretes of Maister Alexis of Piemont / by hym collected out of diuers excellent aucthours, and newly translated out of French into English ... By Willyam Ward.
Ruscelli, Girolamo, -approximately 1565.Date: 1563- Books
- Online
The secrets of Alexis [pseud.]: containing many excellent remedies against divers diseases, wounds, and other accidents. With the manner to make distillations, parfumes ... and meltings ... / [Girolamo Ruscelli].
Ruscelli, Girolamo, -approximately 1565.Date: 1615